Category Archives: Blog
Harnessing the Power of Blueberries

Contrary to popular belief, testosterone is not the most anabolic hormone in the body. That title belongs to insulin. However, insulin can drive two very different types of growth. Since the hormone signals for general tissue growth, it is responsible both for driving muscle gain AND fat gain. Obviously, one effect…
Rest-Pause Drop Sets Will Revolutionize Your Training Intensity

We have all seen lifters who have been working out for decades and struggle to find new, innovative ways to break through plateaus and drive new muscle growth. Even younger bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts have found themselves growing bored of coming in and performing the same lifts for the same…
Triceps are Key in Building Impressive Arms
Incline Bench vs Reverse-Grip Bench for the Upper Chest
Monitor these Carbohydrate Sources if You Want to Make Progress!
Is Eating Late at Night Actually Harmful?

While it is generally agreed upon that proper nutrition is of great importance in any training regimen, it’s no secret that there is an astounding amount of misinformation and mythology being disseminated regarding nutrition and how one should be programming diets in order to yield desirable athletic outcomes. At the…
Timing Carbohydrate Intake to Maximize Muscle Building

It is no secret that nutrient timing will affect the amount of muscle you are able to pack on throughout your career. Proper nutrition does not only encompass making smart food selections, but also refers to timing these food selections appropriately in order to induce desirable bodily responses. Many conventional…